Concordia University
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
ELEC 6091: Discrete Event Systems
Fall 2022

General Information

Lecturer: Shahin Hashtrudi Zad
Room EV5-151
Office hours: Wednesdays and Fridays, 13:00-14:00 (in-person and remote)
Lectures: Wednesdays 17:45-20:30, H501 (in-person)

Course Objectives: This course is concerned with the study of Discrete-Event Systems (DES). DES models, for example finite-state automata, are used in the study of a wide range of problems in areas such as aerospace, process control, software engineering, communication networks, automated manufacturing and biological systems. Compared with continuous-variable models (e.g., differential equations), DES models are coarser and provide less detail. Therefore, they are typically used where studying systems at higher levels of abstraction is desired. For instance, in the context of control systems, DES models are used for studying sequencing and supervisory control. This course aims (i) to provide an introduction to the modeling and analysis of discrete-event systems, and (ii) to cover some of the techniques that have been developed based on DES models for the design of supervisory control systems. The course includes a project on the design of a supervisory control system for the ozone generation system of a water treatment plant.
- Introduction to discrete-event systems
- Modeling: languages, automata
- Analysis: safety, blocking
- Synthesis: supervisory control, controllability, modular control
- Petri nets: modeling, analysis
- Timed DES models.

Resources and References

Web Pages: - General information can be found on:
- The course also has a Moodle web page where announcements, assignments and their solutions, along with other supplementary material, are posted. The web page can be accessed here: Concordia Course Web Sites portal.

Texts: - W.M. Wonham and K. Cai, Supervisory Control of Discrete-Event Systems, Springer, 2019.
[Ebook available from Concordia library]
- C.G. Cassandras and S. Lafortune, Introduction to Discrete Event Systems, Springer, 2021.
[Ebook available from Concordia library]

Other References: Selected papers from the literature.
Journals: Some of the journals publishing research results on the control of discrete-event systems are:
- IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
- IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
- IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
- IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
- IFAC Automatica
- Discrete Event Dynamic Systems
- Systems and Control Letters

Software: Discrete Event Control Kit (DECK) is a toolbox (set of M-file functions) written in the programming language of MATLAB for the analysis and design of supervisory control systems based on discrete-event models. We will use DECK for the assignments and the project. DECK can be downloaded from


Assignments: Problem statements will be posted on Moodle. Assignments (in pdf format) should be returned on Moodle. Late assignments will not be accepted.

Project: The project involves the design of a supervisory control system for the ozone generation system of a water treatment plant. The details will be announced later in class.

of Originality:
All assignments and project reports must comply with the requirements of the "Expectations of Originality" form. This forms concerns the issue of academic integrity.
Students must read and fill out one copy of the form, and submit it on Moodle by September 21, 2022.
Furthermore, students are strongly encouraged to visit the following web page:

Exams and Grading

Midterm Exam: In class (in-person).
Time: Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2022, 17:45 - 19:00.
No make-up test will be provided for the midterm.
Grading schemes:   A     B
Assignments 10%   10%
Project 15%   15%
Midterm Exam   30%   15%
Final Exam 45%   60%
Remark: - The assignments with the two lowest grades will not be counted towards the overall assignment grade. .
- Final grade = max(A,B).

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Last updated August 31, 2022.