AITS Computer Labs, Hall Building:
Go to the AITS website and look up the door
lock code for lab H-907. You will need your ENCS login credentials to access
that information.

Once you are in H-907, reboot the machine and select Linux (not
Windows).  Use your ENCS credentials to log in. Note that your ENCS
account is not the same thing as your portal account. You also have an
ENCS username. Hopefully the two user names are the same. (If they are
different, Dprint will not work. You will have to go to the help desk
and ask to make your two user names the same.)

Start a terminal. You can then run software mentioned below, from the
command line.

Getting Started:
(1) On the terminal's command line, try using an editor. Type  pico or
gedit and use the editor to write a program; save the file. Assuming
that you wrote a Fortran 90 program and saved it as hw1.f you would then
compile it with gfortran -o hw1 hw1.f and run it by typing ./hw1

(2) You can view (list) the directory with ls, delete (remove) files
with rm and rename (move) files with mv. Plotting can be done with
gnuplot.  Other available compilers include gcc and g++. To learn more
about the gfortran command you can type man gfortran to see a manual
page, or apropos gfortran to see what is on the system.

(3) You can print text and pdf files. Use Webprint to access Dprint.
Then use your id card at any dprint machine to retrieve your output.

Dprint cannot print ps and eps files. Also, avoid lpr with dprint.

(4) Preview your pdf before printing, with evince file.pdf.

Doing More, Off Campus:

You can use Putty + VNC to start a remote desktop, and have access to
an ENCS Linux machine (for example, computation.encs) from anywhere.
Your ENCS login credentials are needed for this. In theory you could
also use Putty + Xming for this, but it is too slow for off-campus

VNC and other computer topics are discussed here.

Last update Jan 23, 2020 by R. Paknys